About the presentation:
As healthcare professionals confront the escalating challenge of occupational violence, it's critical to continue to build upon the award-winning work that will be highlighted today by delving into the complexities of this issue and identifying a path forward. In this inspiring session, futurist Alex Hagan will explore the future of healthcare and the challenges faced in the industry.
About the Conference:
Racist slurs. Sexualised comments. Chairs thrown. Kicks and punches. This shouldn’t be “just part of the job” but WorkSafe Victoria reports that up to 95 per cent of healthcare workers have experienced verbal or physical assault at work.
The consequences of this abuse can be devastating, sometimes leading to post-traumatic or acute stress, physical injury, reduced productivity or loss of livelihood. As a sector, we need to do more to ensure our workplaces are safe and free of physical or verbal abuse, better enabling our people to provide best care.
Join Western Health’s senior executives, clinical leaders and occupational violence prevention experts as they share insights into their multi-award-winning staff safety program ‘Predict, Prevent, Priority: Safety’. Implemented in 2019, the program challenged an organisational mindset that tolerated and normalised occupational violence and aggression (OVA), addressing key beliefs and unsafe practices and moving towards a safety-first approach.